Will FMCSA transmit the medical certificate information for interstate CDL drivers to the SDLAs?
Not at this time. The final rule provides for reporting to FMCSA by the MEs of medical certificate information for all interstate CMV drivers. The FMCSA is considering a new rule to require more frequent submission of medical certificate information … Continue reading →
Will the ME inform the State driver licensing agency (SDLA) that a driver has passed the physical examination?
No, it is up to CMV driver required to have a commercial driver license (CDL) to provide the medical certificate to the SDLA issuing the license. As of May 21, 2014, States will be required to enter the ME’s National … Continue reading →
How is the driver medical certificate issued by a ME on the National Registry different from the current driver medical certificate?
The new driver medical certificate will contain the same medical information as the current driver medical certificate, but will now include the ME’s National Registry number. Additionally, this rule assures that all medical examiners who perform physical exams for interstate … Continue reading →
Is the National Registry program applicable to both interstate and intrastate CMV drivers?
No, this program applies to interstate drivers only. Intrastate drivers must follow State requirements concerning medical certification.
What impact does the National Registry have on CMV drivers and motor carriers?
As of May 21, 2014, interstate CMV drivers are required to obtain physical examinations and a medical examiner’s certificate from a certified ME listed on the National Registry website.