If a ME candidate does not pass the FMCSA certification test, can the candidate take the test again?
If the candidate fails the test, he or she must wait at least 30 days before taking the test again.
Are ME candidates required to pay for the training and testing?
Yes, ME candidates are responsible for paying any fees charged by the training and testing organizations. FMCSA neither establishes nor regulates the schedules of fees established and collected by training or testing organizations, and does not receive any monies collected … Continue reading →
Where will MEs go to take the FMCSA certification test?
The test will be offered by private sector test delivery organizations throughout the United States. FMCSA will post contact information for testing organizations on the National Registry website. In addition, testing organizations may administer the test online with remote monitoring.
How will a ME know that a training provider’s program meets all of the National Registry requirements?
The ME candidate may visit the National Registry website at http://nrcme.fmcsa.dot.gov to obtain the regulatory requirements for training, including the eight topics (the core curriculum) that must be covered by the training. The training organization must be accredited by a … Continue reading →
When will a ME be required to complete a training program?
When will a ME be required to complete a training program? Compliance Date – Effective May 21, 2014, all CMV drivers seeking a medical certificate must use a ME on the National Registry. ME Registration Date – Beginning August 20, … Continue reading →
How can a healthcare professional obtain more information about the National Registry?
Go to the National Registry website at https://nationalregistry.fmcsa.dot.gov/home and read the information provided. For ongoing updates, register for the National Registry Listserv by selecting the link.